The Phase of Intensive Project Preparation

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Project Development

AUSTROPLAN's experts provide professional assistance in defining project ideas and investment opportunities. Once this step has been taken, the specification of the product range and product mix together with the process technology is always carried out in accordance with the client's individual needs.

Feasibility Studies

The formulation and realization of a project idea into a viable project must comprise all of the relevant external and internal influences and requirements and take into consideration their interdisciplinary dynamic links. Feasibility studies as carried out by AUSTROPLAN are appreciated by all major financial institutions and development organizations.

Financial Engineering

Once a project is defined and the decision to invest has been made, AUSTROPLAN's experts are in the position to assist the client in finding adequate financing from Austrian and/or international sources.

Establishment of Partnerships

Beyond the usual previously mentioned services AUSTROPLAN assists its clients in finding suitable partners who will provide valuable assistance in later operation, especially in quality control, production and maintenance.